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[Attention] 【08.06.23】 Tik's Profile 2

发表于 2008-6-23 04:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Commercial Advertising
6 I7 \( h! q8 O9 c/ U9 U& o1 |  i1 W1997 Levi's (printed Ad)
. V3 N- N1 b1 Z6 R" w1999 Yamaha. S8 l$ c$ _* d1 W( B; w
2001 Mido (printed Ad)   Dumex 3 Plus Hi-QI
8 M' a8 a* _2 H5 s3 f2002 Mido (printed Ad) Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)   Clorets   Tea Tree
" o  p, W1 t' X# d+ N2003 Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)   Mitsubishi Electric   Tea Tree
& y$ D0 y9 t; g' g2004 Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)   Mitsubishi Electric   Tea Tree   Clorets Mirinda Apple 7 s( W' L: L1 n
2005 Clorets   Mistine Lotion , w: g, [% Z2 C2 j( B( i3 d* {
2006 Clorets   Mistine Lotion & Roll on
! ?  {( C  l- |6 x! M' g2007 Clorets 2 F. E9 ?+ E4 x! u2 s5 f* a
Awards & Recognitions ! h8 R! X2 U( l$ Y! \$ W
Award - Awarded for 9 h* r7 O8 N7 B- F; D) f: Z
Thailand Blockbuster Entertainment - Best New Actor 1997 - Dang Bireley's and Young Gangsters 0 H' e3 J; d: Z: M9 |2 m* L
Thailand Entertainment Reporter Association & Office of the Narcotics Control Board – Phra Suraswadee Awards (Special) (granted by the King) - Anti-Drug Campaign Category 2000 3 T2 o. f0 x& c% B9 M! a
‘Honor Pin’ - Office of the Narcotics Control Board & Prime Minister’s Office (received from PM General Chawalit Yongjaiyuth) – Entertainment Category 2001 – Role Model Actor who has great support to the Office/ Social on anti-drug activities   O8 f  S9 J- o. H6 W7 _
Thailand Esquire Awards - Man At His Best – Entertainment Category 2001
$ \1 v0 I9 v9 z+ \1 J+ ~Tourism Authority of Thailand – Brand Ambassador for two campaigns i.e. TourThai & Young Creative Traveler & Presenter for two ads i.e. Talay Dao and Kep Muang Thai Hai Suay Ngam, between 2002 and 2004 9 z! u/ x# B- u2 M& t  I
Star Entertainment Awards – Best Actor 2001- Tawan Tad Burapa - g& e; I; P. w1 F8 Q6 i
Elle Style Awards 2002 – Best Style Actor (voted award)4 g+ d4 R  K5 ?1 m
Thai Tailors Association - Golden Suite Awards 2002 - Entertainment Category (received from the Privy Councillor His Excellency General Pichitr Kullavanichaya)
& K$ E$ [4 t# |1 s9 W' l( ^93.5 Radio Voted Awards – May 2002 – Best Actor - Tok Ka Dai Hua Jai Ploy Jone4 d: ?) {) d* k; h$ L' L
‘Honor Pin’ received from Princess Ubol Ratana – at the Drug Burning Ceremony to mark the International Anti-Drug Day on June 26th, 2002 in Ayudhaya Province
$ F9 }$ {+ ^, x5 {5 y# d( |5 @+ q( LPetch Siam Awards 2002 – Role Model who support Thai Art & Culture - Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, Office of Art and Culture/ }# ~) [8 M. R: i7 t- d
"Sexiest Man in Thailand" 2003 - the Internet Durex Global Sex Survey (voted award, He won the votes of 39% of Thai women surveyed)
. b) T. C6 p) t9 I& T1 N- H* Q# `TV Pool Top Awards – Best Actor 2002 - Roy Rei Sa Nei Rai (voted award)7 E! X0 C6 U. L' Z% R% \* L
TV Pool Top Awards – Best Actor 2003 - Luad Kadthiya (voted award)
% G# O6 F  ~$ w  Y8 E4 r) j/ W( e2 JTV Pool Top Awards – Best Actor 2004 - Ms. Jingjai and Mr. Sandee (voted award) ! k2 o# s: H% n" W8 T8 G, P" I5 ?
Mekhalar Awards – Best Actor - Comedy Series Category 2004 - Ms. Jingjai and Mr. Sandee
: A8 \6 c2 x. K+ X1 I& CMekhalar Voted Awards – Most Popular Actor Awards 2004 1 W7 ]7 ~. Q# i0 ^% K0 ~: ^- h
4th Kom Chad Luk Awards – Most Popular Actor 2006 (voted award) ) ^7 g6 B0 t+ y1 c7 G7 I
Ranked 1st from countrywide annual survey research conducted by :
2 W4 b& F- W0 F# [% K0 E8 mDusit Poll – Most Favorite Actor 2001, 2002, 2003 and 20042 J- d. v5 G& D1 E
ABAC Poll - Most Favorite Actor 2006# N$ t6 C- D7 i+ C' t  k' _
2007: OK Magazine Awards - Female's Heartthrob Award& r! ]$ S& P( P! j5 L

4 X# B- a* G6 S0 G6 KWebsite:. m4 c7 V8 Q2 `; M! R; _
& }; Q+ m% g. b2 i3 b  A& q9 O
9 `2 p8 a- J7 b3 |+ ^  M( A: m$ m
- S0 C2 x1 ]8 d% \4 ^5 i, l7 j
Chinese Fansclub website 1
; V' _: [' b: F# Ehttp://lovetik.5d6d.com/home.php8 o! B7 [& t4 C

$ I9 q& D8 O1 M/ P: t. z2 s$ {Chinese fanclub 2! K9 Z8 J, {6 G) m; w% A& w
http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%BD%DC%CE%F7%B4%EF%B0%EE. y1 f! X7 W7 t$ F, J" w5 |
http://tikbang.5d6d.com/. @8 h' h) i. Y8 f5 D0 ~# _/ i
6 J* b( B& y+ ]% \$ {
, _' `* F" g7 d. n- R
! T- }$ D( x  F: O+ g1.http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%BD%DC%CE%F7%B4%EF%B0%EE&;amp;t=4
+ P8 {9 W7 z  _ 2.http://hi.baidu.com/tikxiaoxuan
/ [7 D6 g' Y$ j* X5 S7 L  k9 } 3.http://lovetik.5d6d.com/home.php
1 w" a0 D1 r, w% B 4.http://ptik.freeforum.tw/read-htm-tid-763.html[/url]       Taiwan fansclub :founded by :uka
  l% a7 L4 x  X9 N 5.http://male.thedailymodel.com/tik-jesadaporn-pholdee-2/
6 r9 T* v( X1 } 6.http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~kob/a/act8/tikm/ttop.htm     Jepanese
发表于 2008-6-24 00:52 | 显示全部楼层
hehe, tik earned so much money. With so much money , he can do what he want to do.
发表于 2008-6-24 20:07 | 显示全部楼层
My English is very poor.But I'll enhance my English for Tik.
发表于 2008-11-9 12:28 | 显示全部楼层
<>good job!</P>
0 f3 j- r* I7 H1 n, R( {0 A& S9 g<>Thanks a lot for giving us so much information which make us more fimilar with tik!! </P>
发表于 2008-11-9 13:08 | 显示全部楼层
In the beginning, I thought I would not do the translation.
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