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[Index] 【08.09.20】A series of MV of <You are My Eyes>--Should we slee

发表于 2008-9-20 23:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.chinatikfans.com.cn/viewthread.php?tid=8038&highlight=%B8%C3%CB%AF%C1%CB[9 j& v3 X* `  z5 {: l. a
08.08.17] A series of MV of <You are My Eyes>--Should we sleep!?(Upload again)+ y: F5 {2 n) ~% _  v
Much data has missed,so I have to upload it again!6 F3 X& Q; n$ x
This video was really hard to upload .. E8 W1 Z) }' R7 t, H9 g

' g) |$ n- R. b/ q9 K" CI like the warm fragments that in <You are My Eyes>,because there are many shy blush screens in it.
7 q6 V6 o3 b) y! e2 B! L6 k" c0 Y) lWhen I was clipping the video ,I looked at the screen and shied with a smile.
* @% a- D" ^: p+ d* bI will release all the series of the MV of<You are My Eyes>here since then.
  w7 [: p6 k) V& Y6 n% I1 m& Z- OIt seems that I am crazy.
  P# l7 i7 T4 l* j1 |4 ]  t3 e9 bBackground music :You Belong To Me--TANK  R9 }2 {6 C- p4 g9 x
发表于 2008-9-25 17:50 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks a lot!
% d# v3 G- k; x3 z* s1 R- Y. P
) X/ B' a9 V7 N& i" U3 G  _you are very nice
发表于 2008-10-11 16:29 | 显示全部楼层
sorry , i don&#39;t know why i can&#39;tsee anything and can&#39;t loadit.- s+ }1 t& _& Y$ e& q
but,thanks for your information.
发表于 2008-11-9 12:18 | 显示全部楼层
<>“sorry,the website you want to visit isn't exist!”</P>2 g1 _1 [9 c$ P* |. r; ^9 i# I8 p
<>&nbsp;the only i can see~~</P>4 |* u& P7 g- N: x) t
<>I have&nbsp;found whatever i intent to download ,the results were same!</P>4 e- P# D7 u$ e/ x  o# `* R
<>I don't know the reason,can someone tell me!</P>0 M* P% k: }, [/ R
<>thanks!! </P>
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