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Battling cold, Cecil overpowers Tribe

已有 3800 次阅读2010-5-11 15:58 |

Battling cold, Cecil overpowers Tribe Brett Cecil woke up Monday morning with a sinus infection. He had a headache, Curtain and he wasn't at his finest for what was to follow later in the day.Lace fabric Or so it seemed.

But Cecil might want to carry a headache to the mound with him every time he pitches if the results are going to be like this outing.

The left-hander was masterful Monday night in pitching the Blue Jays to a 5-1 win over the Indians at Progressive Field. He dominated from start to finish, giving the Tribe a headache -- holding their offense to one hit over eight innings. For seven of those innings, he flirted with perfection. He also finished with a career-high 10 strikeouts.

"The game was great, man," Cecil said. "I had a lot of fun. That's really all I can say about the whole thing in general -- it was awesome."

Cecil didn't have to say much, because his work had spoken for him. If this wasn't his best performance of the season, point out one that was better. He controlled the game from the first inning to his last, baffling the Indians with an assortment of pitches -- curveballs and changeups, inside and outside, Curtain on the corners and off the corners.

And when he needed his hard stuff, he reached back and threw his 93-mph fastball. Cecil pitched like a man with far more Major League experience than he has.Lace fabric

"The operative word here is 'pitched,'" catcher John Buck said. "He was locating his fastball in and out. He was aggressive with a whole array of pitches, and makes it tough for hitters to sit on one pitch or on one location. He's able to spread the plate."

His description of Cecil's outing was spot on. For if anything defined his performance, it was his control, which meant he didn't need much support, not the way he pitched against the Indians.

"The night belonged to Cecil," Indians manager Manny Acta said.

Indeed the night did.

Ahead 2-0 on Jose Bautista's two-run homer in the second inning, Cecil was dissecting the heart of the Indians lineup with surgeon-like precision. He kept perfection going through the third,Lace fabric fourth, and fifth as well. Cecil mowed down 19 straight, keeping the unimaginable prospects of perfection in front of him. Curtain He remained calm in the face of it.

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