【09.08.07】 funny & creative P'tik's wedding flash (sohpie's YY)
本帖最后由 lily_zl 于 2009-8-7 19:14 编辑original post with Chinese subtitles at http://www.chinatikfans.com/thread-24904-1-1.html by sophie
Many thanks to English translating member Bangdaxijie (邦达西杰) for the English translations of the Chinese subtitles, which are very humorous and creative. Here Lily wishes everyone who watch this flash will understand the orignial author, sophie, and her humor and best wishes to P'tik and k. Peach
For those international fans who do not understand any Chinese, please read the following English translations of the words in the flash:
1这一天终于盼来了 Eventually we come to this day
2 亲爱的,我带来了你最爱的500株,快出来吧 Honey! Come out!I brought your favorite 500 baht
3 砖石恒久远,一颗就破产 Diamond will last forever,but also cost me a lot
4 爸妈比我还低调,这时候闪了 My parents behave so mild while we were taking this photo
5 亲爱的,今天我们的出场一定惊艳全场 Honey,you won't know how shinning our appearance is going to be
6 现在的狗仔够逊,结婚了才来偷拍,干脆等我们生完孩子再来好了 The celebrarity-hunters suck today; we've already married. Fortunately we haven't had a baby yet
7 早知道要走楼梯就换成拖鞋了 I would change for slippers if I knew I am going to climp stairs
8 下次再也不去日本买鞋了,还不如温州的地摊货I will not go to Japan for shoes anymore; they're even worse than the goods of Wenzhou flea market
9 今天来的人可真多啊 So many people show up here today
10如你所愿,可以大捞一票了 As you wish, we could make a lot of money
11新一代“抢钱夫妻”原来在泰国 The new model of money-making couple of Thailand
12回去你要怎么奖赏我?这可有我一半的功劳啊 How will you reward me? I deserve half of the achievements
13拥抱够吗? Is hug enough?
14让我考虑下 let me think ~
15记者:TIK你是怎么把PEACH追到手的? Journalist:TIK,how did you get PEACH?
16其实是她追求的我,哈 Well, it's she who goes after me
17别害羞吗,亲爱的 Don't be shy, honey
18回去收拾你 Wait for the scold when back home
19PEACH小姐,请谈谈你的婚后感言好吗? Ms PEACH,would you please tell us how you feel now after marriage?
20俗话说的好:嫁鸡随鸡嫁狗随狗,嫁个TIK满山跑,Just as the saying: the wife should just follow the husband no matter what he does, even he goes into the jungle
21我老婆的耐力不是一般的好哦,都快5年了,一直都跟着我 My wife's physical force is extrodiary; we've been together for 5 years
22其实我们刚从山里出来,所以显得有点疲惫 maybe we looked a bit tired; that is because we just came out from the jungle
23记得收看下一期的“navigator-蜜月之旅” Don't forget the next episode of "NAVIGATOR-- Journey of the Honeymoon"
24婚后你们准备要几个小孩? How many children do you plan to have?
25我打算生3胞胎we wish to have the triplets
26hehe,我老婆爱开玩笑哈~ Haha~ she's kidding
27老婆,你不是认真的吧? Honey,you are not serious, are you?
28我相信你一定行!在我眼里你永远是NO.1I believe in you, because you are always my NO.1
29记者:听说你连选戒指的时间都没有 Journalist:it's said that you are even too busy to choose the wedding ring
30糟,老婆的脸色不妙Ooups! my wife didn't feel good
31亲爱的,你不会在大庭广众动真格吧 Honey, are you going to use home violence in public?
32天热,我只是想给你扇扇 It's hot; I just want to fan your hair
33看在这么大的钻戒的份上,我饶了你 For the sake of such a big diamond ring, I forgive you
34连章子怡都羡慕我,哈哈 Even Zhang Ziyi is jealous of me haha~
35我老婆的手戴什么都好看 My wife's hand is beatiful no matter what she wears
36我发誓永远不会放开这只手,我的3克拉啊 I swear that I won't let go of this hand; you know, it's totally 3 carats
37登记去咯,各位拜拜 we are going to register now,bye~ 初看不知道是什么意思,后来才知道是苏菲亲做的视频,哈哈,很有意思。 有才,这里的亲都太有才了,,佩服佩服!! 这个不错啊 真是不改搞笑本性啊!!!!! 不错,不错!!!!!!! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,真不错啊 亲是不是在和楼主谈恋爱啊,我一旧云啊. 怎么看不到呢?!!!!!!! That'sreallyfunny